1. Valuation Multiples Resources
2. Cost of Capital Resources
3. Sector Analysis Resources

- Institutional public sources - Public bodies
- Institutional public sources - Professional and sector associations
- Private sources - Educational institutionss
- Private sources - Wholesalers / Market research aggregators
- Private sources - Market research companies


In Spain, there are no less than 1,500 professional and business associations of both national and regional scope, which cover pretty much all kinds of economic activities. Some of them offer good reports and analysis about the composition and activity of specific sectors. A detailed and thorough list of the main associations is available on the website of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) (www.ceoe.es). Examples: National Business Association for the Pharmaceutical Industry ( www.farmaindustria.es) Association of Renewable Energies Producers (www.appa.es) Spanish Federation of Smelting Associations (www.feaf.es) Spanish Association of Consulting Firms (www.consultoras.org)