Listed Private Equity: The easiest way to access the sector Abstract

Nº 3 / 2018 - julio-septiembre

Listed Private Equity: The easiest way to access the sector

Manuel Zayas Carvajal
Embarcadero Private Equity
Mariano Olaso Yohn
Embarcadero Private Equity


Thanks to its attractive returns the Private Equity has become a mainstream asset in the portfolios of institutional investors. Nevertheless, its illiquidity, alongside the investment volumes required and the administrative burden involved, make the access to the asset class difficult. In order to overcome these problems a number of Private Equity vehicles have been listed, allowing to gain access to the sector in an efficient way (though these vehicles are poorly known by the public).
In this paper we analyze the merits and the challenges of this Private Equity segment.

Keywords: Listed Private Equity, Access con- strains, Illiquidity, Discounts vs. NAV.